In a perfect world
My stepmother would not have stolen my father from my mother,
for the property of my Grandmother,
In a perfect world,
The judge in the guardianship hearings,
Would not be the old prosecutor who forced me to plead guilty,
To the crimes that others committed.
My guilty plea covered up their lies,
My lie demanded by the prosecutor and my lawyer.
In a perfect world,
My stepmother would not encourage my father to commit suicide,
To acquire the property of my Grandmother,
In a perfect world I would not have to cry,
In a perfect world
Brains would not be washed so easily contorted
thoughts distorted
Names would not be defamed.
In a perfect world
The police and judicial system would be above reproach
They would seek out the lie
Holding all to account
In a perfect world
There would be no greed
no need to steal to take from the ederly
and the innocent
In a perfect world
I dream
In reality these hateful things have happened to me,
Proving that this is not a perfect world, not for me.